Montebello Bouquet Half Finial


Our Montebello Bouquet Half Finial is made of an extremely light weight resin, however it has the substantial look and aged finish of a Romanesque statue. The unique half sculpture design makes this a perfect tabletop piece for a console placed against a wall or outdoors flanking the beautiful entry of a home or shop.
Materials: Magnesium composite
Hand painted finish with light distressing to achieve this look
Care & Maintenance: Wipe with Soft Cloth
Color: Montebello


10.75"L x 5"W x 28.75"H

Estimated Lead Times

Approximately 2-4 weeks

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Please note: actual products received may not accurately match the color seen in the images, due to natural materials. Despite every effort to provide accurate images of each product’s colour and design, actual colours and design may vary slightly.